Name: Wayha Sanchonchanasuek (Age 39)
Occupation: Farmer
Case: Lèse Majesté (Article 112) and Article 14 (3) of the Computer Crimes Act from Posting to Twitter and Facebook
Date of Imprisonment: 18 May 2023
Location of Imprisonment: Bangkok Remand Prison
“Art” Wayha Sanchonchanasuek was 39 when he was sentenced to imprisonment in 3 Article 112 cases. He decided to confess in all cases.
The Criminal Court ruled in Wayha’s first Article 112 case on 18 May 2023 and sentenced him to 3 years each for 3 counts; as Wayha confessed, the punishment was reduced to 1 year and 6 months per count, or imprisonment of 3 years and 18 months. The punishment was not suspended and he was not granted bail while he appealed. He was accused of violation of Article 112 and violation of Article 14 (3) of the Computer Crimes Act from using his Twitter account to reveal what happened when he was held in the temporary prison in Taweewattana and created the viral hashtag #แอร์ไม่เย็น in 2021.
On 23 August 2023, Wayha announced that he was going to go on hunger strike in solidarity with Warunee, who began her hunger strike only 2 days before he did. He made the following 3 demands:
- MPs come to hear the proposal to “Reform the Judicial Process” from those detained inside the prison;
- The new Cabinet issue a statement about the progress towards an Amnesty for Political Cases Act; and
- The Courts provide the right to bail to political prisoners in cases that are not yet final and release all political prisoners whose cases are final.
On 31 October 2023, the Criminal Court in Bangkok read a court decision that stipulated that Wayha was guilty of 2 counts of violation of Article 112 and the Computer Crimes Act. He was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, which was reduced by half as he confessed.
On 19 December 2023, the Criminal Court in Bangkok read a court decision that stipulated that Wayha was guilty of one violation of Article 112 and the Computer Crimes Act from posting a photograph along with text criticizing the imprisonment of “Narin,” who was accused of placing a ““กูkult” sticker on a portrait of King Rama 10 on 4 March 2022. Wayha was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, which was reduced by half as he confessed.
At present, Wayha is imprisoned on 3 cases, for a total punishment of 9 years.